男,1959年5月生,離異,有2女兒由前妻監護,身高180厘米,本科学历,中西医师,平均月收入大于20000元人民币。台湾台北户口,在台湾台北居住,有婚房。I'm a goodtempered glamorous humorous man with good career, a doctor of western medicine previously, having realized that chinese herbal drugs r far more effective and often cures diseases faster than chemical drugs, i shifted to the field of chinese medicine. I believe 種善因得善果*** 常見自心過愆不見他人是非善惡***只要一點綠地綠草就會讓我很高興,興趣廣泛博覽群書喜歡悠閒寧靜的生活 希望對象是善根深厚喜歡佛法柔順有相心量廣大i like feminine amiable woman with good EQ and 很有內涵 charming winsome smile and better with bewitching voice。征婚地区:不限。