个人档案<男|未婚|1973年10月出生|属牛|天秤座|身高:183cm|硕士|Sales Manager|职业类型:营销、采购及市场中介、推销、策划、推广等|平均月收入:8000 - 12000元人民币|户籍地区:安徽|居住地区:上海浦东>
男,1973年10月生,未婚,身高183厘米,硕士学历,Sales Manager,平均月收入8000 - 12000元人民币。安徽户口,在上海浦东张江居住,无婚房。As an individual person, I seek for improvement and growth in life, in work and in relational contact with others. When you start to get connected and linked with me, you will find that That's me, trustworthiness encourages you to get close to me;That's me, reliability brings you confidence and assurance with me; That's me, single-mindedness helps you to live in peace and joy; That's me, friendliness develops warmth between us; That's me, accountability ensures that you can always find reasons at me.That's me seeking life-long relationship and bond with you. Commitment takes you and me together.Get to know me, and you will find life is filled with joy and happiness.征婚地区:Non-Shanghainese。